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Tanha and Environmental Protection

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ma wei
view post Posted on 9/2/2010, 21:13

Tanha, or craving is a factor in today's environmental issues. Countries such as the United States consume far more than they need. Why? I think it is because modern culture emphasizes material wealth as the key to happiness. While environmental issues are often discussed in the news as a technological or social problem, I think that on an individual basis it is a philosophical issue. When we crave material goods, we are not only seeking temporary pleasure, but we are contributing to over consumption which is a threat to all of earth's life in the long run. If we go to the store and buy something that we don't need, which produces trash, then we are contributing through personal craving to solid waste pollution. Though it may sometimes be more difficult, we can make choices that are healthy for us and healthy for the planet. In a way, being aware and mindful of our impact on the environment is showing compassion to the other life forms that share space with us, by allowing them to live in a pollution-free environment.

Make any sense?

view post Posted on 10/2/2010, 01:01

Of course it makes sense. At the level of animal existence we are simply DNA machines. The first priority is to protect and serve this "I", and of course to reproduce.

To be truly human is to look into this and ask "what am I?", really. If we don't do that then we live mindlessly and reduce ourselves to simple DNA machines.

view post Posted on 11/2/2010, 20:34

I completely agree; the evidence is everywhere.

People suing for stupid things like spilling coffee on themselves ("Wasn't my fault! The coffee was too hot!"), CEOs getting millions in "bonuses" for almost bankrupting their company with wasteful indulgences, government turning a blind eye to dangerous practices (pharmaceuticals, air travel, etc) because the representatives get money from the lobbyists.

We rape and pillage our planet, the very thing we rely on for life, and yet personal agendas still allow so many to say "What global warming? It's a myth, it's arrogant to think that we could impact the planet." Delusional and / or selfish, these people, and they're major cogs in the process of healing our planet. Even if climate change was not real, how can one not look at a smog-filled city or clear-cut forest and not feel terrible for how we're treating our planet? How can one oppose something like wind power or other clean energy? They can do nothing but help the planet, but they hurt the gold-lined pockets of the oil companies, who spread fear and use greed to stop any attempts at improvement.

Everything is fueled by greed and a sense of self importance these days. I'm not Buddhist so I don't reflect on these issues from the same angle as you might, but I am Christian. I cringe at the lack of respect children pay their elders, the lack of morals parents pass on to their kids, and the lack of accountability for one's own actions. And I'm angered by the general state of things - lack of respect man has for each other, for animals, and for all of God's creations.

But I still eat meat :shifty: Sorry, I know you're vegetarian :)

view post Posted on 12/2/2010, 00:14

QUOTE (Malacki @ 11/2/2010, 13:34)
But I still eat meat :shifty: Sorry, I know you're vegetarian :)

Safer than being a chicken then! ;)

chuan bo
view post Posted on 23/3/2011, 15:15

I find this topic interesting and I can feel the posters passion come out of their words. I however have a different opinion (to some degree) about global warming. My contention scientifically is that there is no real proof that carbon emissions are bad for the planet (this is what plants breath. I am aware however of other wast generated by people. Global temp. changes is caused by solar activity not human activity. I am against slash and burn practices, but don't see human or animal activity as having an actual effect on global temp. There is a lot of money in so called man made "global warming." I think your intentions are correct but the propaganda that is out there clouds judgment very easily. Philosophically we do need to learn to be more compassionate and take care of our planet and its inhabitants, but I think we need to study honesty and cause and effect before we can have a significant impact.
4 replies since 9/2/2010, 21:13   134 views